Detestable Last 30 years
Since US President Bill Clinton brokered the PLO-Israel Peace Treaty in 1993 (30 years ago) and his approval of homosexuality, the West (former Christian nations) led by the US has fallen away to become nations of the antichrist and Satan.
Mat 24:4-5 And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many."
Endtime will only begin with the appearance of the false anointed christ who will deceive the whole world including Christians. This happened in 1993 when US President Clinton formulated the abominable PLO-Israel Peace Treaty, which was approved by all UN members and almost all Christians and churches.
Where were the Christian leaders, bishops, prophets and pastors, who were His watchmen? Were they also deceived?
God Killed US President
Exactly 30 years before this PLO Peace Treaty, God killed US President Kennedy in 1963 for depriving the subsequent generations from the knowledge of truth in God's Word by removing the Bible from all Public Schools and the administration, thus leading many Christians and leaders to damnation
New Generation of Political Leaders
President Clinton was void of God's truth even though he was a religious man. Just like truthless Samson,
1) he was a very powerful leader, who indirectly controlled the UN and the world.
2) he made many irrational and abominable decisions - PLO Peace Treaty, accepting homosexuality, abominable Human Rights, etc.
3) he was carnal, immoral arrogant and stubborn.
Many truthless political leaders today not only made many abominable decisions but are also merciless, arrogant, stubborn, liars, immoral, corrupt, covetous, blind revengeful, deceiving, drunkards, blasphemous and wicked.
New Generation of Spiritual Leaders
John 8:31-32 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Many of today's Christians and leaders refuse to keep His words (such as forgiving, giving and loving sacrificially), so that they will know the truth. They accept the lies or doctrines of men that tickle their itching ears. Since they are without truth, their teachings and behaviours are carnal and with worldly and demonic wisdoms. Just like the truthless priesthood, the sons of Eli,
1) they do not have the fear of God - defiling the sanctuary, services and sacrifices offered,
2) they are unholy - selfish, carnal, covetous, wicked, hypocrites, liars and blasphemers,
3) they are apostates - faithless, heretics, demonic, and idolaters - worship with strange fire
Many of today's truthless pastors, televangelists, Christian leaders are actually Satan's servants who teach heresies and demonic doctrines. They are also abominable, merciless, thieves, drunkards, covetous, carnal, worldly, blasphemous, unholy, liars and even homosexuals.
Sodomy Legalized
Later, US President Obama legalised homosexuality and taught sexlessness and homosexuality in schools to send their children to damnation. He even legalised same sex marriages thereby forcing God to wipe out US just as He annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah.
Obama also used the UN Human Rights to force these abominations upon all mankind. For those nations who rejected the depravities and insanities of US, sanctions were applied on them which caused them to suffer great financial difficulties.
Today, the West (these former Christian nations) have fallen and they are now the agents of Satan, that God used the Scarlet Harlot in Rev 17-18 to describe these fallen nations.