Monday, September 18, 2023

D2 - Last Generation

  Detestable Last 30 years
Since US President Bill Clinton brokered the PLO-Israel Peace Treaty in 1993 (30 years ago) and his approval of homosexuality, the West (former Christian nations) led by the US has fallen away to become nations of the antichrist and Satan.

Mat 24:32-34  "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.

Fig tree - the nation of Israel
Its branch tender - Israel still a young nation (rebirth in 1948)

From the parables of the fig tree, we see that our Lord Jesus cursed the fig tree when it only had leaves and without any fruit. Only those who abides in Him can bear fruit. Thus,

put forth leaves - shows signs of Unbelief
summer is harvest time - the end time harvest of souls or Rapture.

So when we see Israel (fig tree), while still a young nation (branch tender), shows signs of Unbelief (puts forth leaves) in God or OT, then we know that the last generation has begun.

History of Rebirth Israel
    In 1948, the British gave Israel the wilderness and deserts to form the new nation. Since then the Arabs tried to drive the Israelites into the sea but God gave Israel victories after victories and against great odds. In 1967, God finally gave all the land (including West Bank and Jerusalem) to Israel in the six-day war.  
    But on 13th Sept 1993, President Clinton pressured President Rabin of Israel to sign the Peace Treaty in the White House. The conditions of the Peace Treaty required Israel
- to immediately cede Jericho and Gaza strip to the Palestinians.
- to cede the West Bank in stages
- to negotiate Jerusalem at a later date.

Jericho was the first (Alpha) place in the Promised land where God handed it to Israel by bringing down the high and strong walls after the trumpets and their shouts.
   The Gaza Strip was the land of the Philistines (giants) and it was the last (Omega) place conquered. God help the lad David to kill the giant Goliath with a sling and a smooth pebble.
    The above two miracles were well known and the greatest since the days of Moses and yet Israel does not believe them.
   God gave the Promised land to Israel as their eternal inheritance and *to give away any part of the West Bank is outright unbelief, disobedience, and an abomination to the Lord*. Jerusalem is the Holy City of the Lord God Almighty and therefore it is not negotiable.

I believe this PLO-Israel Peace Treaty in 1993 fulfilled the great Unbelief of Israel as prophesied in Mat 24:32-34, and started the Last Generation.